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C# Scopes

Updated on     Kisan Patel

If you want to restricting access to a particular member of the class. There are 5 access modifiers that can be applied to any member of the class.

Access Modifiers Descriptions
private Private members have the least access permission level; you can either access them within the body of the class or in the structure in which they are defined.
protected internal This type of member can be accessed from the current assembly.
internal Can only the current assembly can access these members
protected Can be accessed from a containing class.
public Allows public access to members both inside and outside of a class without any restrictions.

For Example,

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp
    class ScopeDemo
        static void Main(string[] args)
            myClass myObj = new myClass();
            myObj.strClassName = "Hello World";
            myObj.RollNo = 55;

    class myClass
        public string strClassName;
        private int age;
        internal int RollNo;
        public void SetClassName(string strName)
            strClassName = strName;
            RollNo = 50;

  • In above example, you can see strClassName variable is a public, So you can access strClassName variable on whole program.
  • But age is private, So you can not access age variable outside myClass class.
  • RollNo is internal variable, So RollNo variable can be accessed within ConsoleApp assembly.

If you don’t mark any member of class with an access modifier; it will be treated as a private member.


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