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HTML Cheet Sheat

HTML Cheet Sheat

» Introduction to HTML

<!– comment –> comment
<!doctype> document type
<a> hyperlink
<abbr> abbreviation
<address> address element
<area> image map area
<b> bold text
<base> base URL for all links in page relative to document root
<bdo> text direction
<blockquote> long quotation
<body> body element
<br> single line break
<button> push button
<caption> table caption
<cite> citation
<code> code text
<col> attributes for columns
<colgroup> groups for columns
<dd> definition description
<del> deleted text
<div> generic block level element
<dfn> defining list
<dl> definition list
<dt> definition term
<em> emphasized text
<fieldset> logically group items in a form
<form> defines a form
<h1> to <h6> header 1 to header h6
<head> document information
<hr> horizontal rule
<html> html document
<i> italic text
<iframe> inline sub window
<img> image
<input> input field
<ins> inserted text
<kbd> keyboard text
<label> label for a form control
<legend> title in a fieldset
<li> list item
<link> resource reference
<map> image map
<menu> menu list
<meta> meta information
<noscript> no script section
<object> embedded object
<ol> ordered list
<optgroup> option group
<option> option in a drop down list
<p> paragraph
<param> parameter for an object
<pre> preformatted object
<q> short quotation
<samp> sample computer code
<script> script
<select> selectable list
<small> small text
<span> inline generic container
<strong> strong text
<style> style definition
<sub> subscripted text
<table> table
<tbody> table body
<td> table cell
<textarea> text area
<tfoot> table footer
<th> table header
<thead> wraps row containing table headers
<title> document title
<tr> table row
<ul> unordered list
<var> variable

HTML5 Tags

<article> self contained composition that is independently distributed
<aside> section of page that consists of content tangentially related to content around it
<audio> sound content
<bdi> span text to be isolated from surroundings for bidirectional formatting purposes
<canvas> area that can be used to draw graphics via javascript
<command> user invokable list
<datalist> dropdown list
<datatemplate> data template
<details> details of an element
<embded> embedded content
<figcaption> caption of figure element
<figure> group of media content
<footer> footer for section or page
<header> header for section or page
<hgroup> group of headings for section
<keygen> generated key in a form
<mark> marked text
<meter> measurement in defined range
<nav> navigation links
<output> represents results of calculation
<progress> progress of any kind of task
<rp> parenthesized ruby text
<rt> ruby text
<ruby> ruby annotations
<section> section in a document
<source> media resources
<summary> header of a detail element
<time> datetime
<video> video
<wbr> possible line break

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