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Confirmation Box in JavaSript Example

Updated on     Kisan Patel

If we want to confirm an action from user, we need to use javascript confirm() method.

The javascript confirm() method displays a confirm dialog box with a message with an OK and Cancel button.

The confirm method() returns true if the user clicked “OK”, otherwise return false.

<!-- HTML -->
<input type="button" onclick="ConfirmMe()" value="Click me to confirm!" />

<!-- Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function ConfirmMe() {
   var c = confirm('Are you sure to proceed?');
   if (c) {
     // OK pressed; user confirmed to proceed further
     alert("You pressed OK!");
   else {
     // Cancel pressed; user do not want to proceed
     alert("You pressed Cancel!");


See the Pen zGXwdr by Kisan (@pka246) on CodePen.


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