Updated on Kisan Patel
To convert a number in another base to base10, you need to use the static Convert.ToInt32 method as shown in below snippet:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string base2 = "10"; string base8 = "112"; string base10 = "110"; string base16 = "11FF"; Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base2, 2) = " + Convert.ToInt32(base2, 2)); Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base8, 8) = " + Convert.ToInt32(base8, 8)); Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base10, 10) = " + Convert.ToInt32(base10, 10)); Console.WriteLine("Convert.ToInt32(base16, 16) = " + Convert.ToInt32(base16, 16)); Console.ReadKey(); } }
Output of the above program…